Yoga Bournemouth - Paul Houlton 2016 7 clipped rev 1
Yoga Bournemouth - Paul Houlton 2016 7 clipped rev 1

Welcome to Bournemouth Energy Arts Yoga and stretching page

You can find us at St Katharine’s Church Hall every Wednesday evening from 6.30-7.45pm

We teach Hatha Vinyasa Yoga which is a flowing style of yoga that includes poses and postures suitable for beginners and intermediate yoga practitioners. Some of these postures can at times be challenging, but we don’t generally practice advanced poses (such as headstands etc) in our classes.

The class also includes some static stretching to increase flexibility and we also practice focused breathing techniques to improve one’s health and well-being.

Paul has been teaching Yoga since 2014. He also teaches Tai Chi Chuan and Tai Chi Qigong. As a qualified practitioner of Okinawan Bodywork Dynamics, he helps his clients with their aches and pains at his home clinic situated in Bournemouth.

If you are interested in attending the class, or would like any additional information, Paul would love to hear from you. You can contact him on 07557 443390 or email

You can find information on Tai Chi and Bodywork by clicking on these links:

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